Amanda Gokee, New Hampshire Bulletin

Amanda Gokee, New Hampshire Bulletin

Concord, NH
Amanda Gokee is a reporter for the New Hampshire Bulletin, a nonprofit news organization that publishes stories under a Creative Commons license and isn't affiliated with Granite Memo.

The fight over the future of Mount Washington

Controversy over the $14 million proposal is just one piece in a longstanding disagreement about balancing access and environmental protection at a site both popular and fragile.
11 min read

Bleak economic and energy outlook dominates ahead of the election

Half of survey respondents believe their household finances are worse this year than last and that they expect their finances to further deteriorate in a year’s time.
3 min read

Michael Sylvia resigns as Belknap County delegation chair in wake of Gunstock closure

The resort had been shuttered for nearly two weeks due to a conflict between senior management and a delegation-appointed oversight board.
2 min read

Ballot Law Commission dismisses request to disqualify NH secessionists

The Ballot Law Commission on Wednesday dismissed a complaint that sought to bar secessionists from running for state government. The
2 min read

Election monitors appointed for 3 NH towns with ballot-counting problems

The appointees will work with election officials during the primary election to ensure compliance with NH law.
2 min read

NH state primaries: Who is running in your district? What do they stand for?

Here’s how to figure out who is running in your district and where you can find more information on their platforms.
2 min read

What intimidation at the polls means for future elections

As mistrust has risen, election workers have been faced with angry and accusatory voters who have turned to threats, intimidation, and harassment, making a critical job even more difficult.
5 min read

Court releases NH congressional district maps drawn by special master

The map would move five towns from the 1st congressional district to the 2nd district to equalize the population between the two. Oral argument on the proposed map is scheduled for Tuesday, May 31.
3 min read

House Redistricting Committee has mapping software, plans listening sessions

The first round of listening sessions will be held in each county, starting as soon as mid-September and running through mid-October.
2 min read